Commercial Real Estate.
At Mand Rai we can help you navigate your way through land acquisition, re-zoning, site plan approval, construction financing, condominium registration and bulk sales.
How we can help
Mand Rai understands that commercial real estate is a challenging area that carries a number of risks. Mand Rai helps our developer clients identify those risks and fashion responses which mitigate our client’s risks to acceptable levels. At Mand Rai we can help you navigate your way through land acquisition, re-zoning, site plan approval, construction financing, condominium registration and bulk sales. We also help our developer clients with joint venture agreements and cost sharing agreements. Additionally, we have extensive experience in setting up complex real estate structures, such as Mortgage Investment Corporations (MICS) and Real Estate Investment Trust (REITs) which oftentimes work collaboratively with our developer clients.
Interested in a Consultation?
If you have a question regarding a commercial real estate matter, request a consultation and we will be in touch shortly.